The word "CIVIL" is related to the ordinary citizens and their concerns. It is very true that civil engineers are always busy with working for other's benefit. You can not imagine any change without civil engineers. Though it is very rude to hear but it is true that all other engineering comes after civil engineering because civil engineering is related to the one of the basic needs of human being. If you can not live well you can not think about other technologies and to love well you will need civil engineer's help. So civil engineers are serving for the greater goods of human. Here is some greatest quotes by some famous persons about civil engineering;

Go for civil engineering, because civil engineering is the branch of engineering which teaches you the most about managing people. Managing people is a skill which is very, very useful and applies almost regardless of what you do.
– Sir John Harvey Jones
         His father loved him dearly, but his work, that of a civil engineer, had left him with but little time for his family. Energetic, active, and always taken up with some responsible work, he did not spoil his children with excessive tenderness.
          – Mme Estafavia

 So as a civil engineer one should feel proud as he/she is serving for the greatest achievement of human beings.

Though civil engineers doing so many things for civilization they are not properly treated. For example in a country like Bangladesh civil engineers are the most neglected one among all other engineers. Specially in private sectors; employers do not want to pay what the civil engineers deserve. They always want to pay as low as possible. There is no proper implementation of Labor Law. No time limit for civil engineers. In spite of this they are not paid well enough. That is why a huge number of bright engineers do not want to stay in the country. If you search for engineers you will find many many Bangladeshi engineers specially civil engineers in Middle East, Europe, America, Australia because they were not well treated in their own country. So I think Government should fix a Salary Limit for engineers in private sector, Otherwise, this country will loss it's best asset.


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